Since 2009, the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP), supported by the Department of Biotechnology of the Government of India, has been a driving force for cutting-edge research and innovation in life sciences. C-CAMP promotes bioscience research and entrepreneurship by offering research, development, training, and services. In line with their mission to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation, C-CAMP has established an entrepreneur-friendly culture through seed funding schemes, a mentorship program, and a bio-incubation facility.

Artha Impact

Artha Venture Challenge is an impact investment platform that operates under the auspices of the Singh Family Foundation. Its primary objective is to provide funding to early-stage social enterprises that prioritise delivering sustainable impact to the base of the economic pyramid across a wide range of industries.


Villgro is India’s oldest leading social enterprise incubator. Founded in 2001, Villgro has supported over 400 impactful startups. Villgro now helps set up social incubators in India and abroad by partnering with existing incubators and local entrepreneurs. In the recent past, Villgro supported social incubation in several institutions, including IIM-Calcutta, IIT-Kanpur, Startup Oasis, and KIIT Bhubaneswar, to fund more than 100 entrepreneurs in eight low-income states. Villgro has also partnered with local entrepreneurs to establish social incubators in Kenya, Philippines, and Vietnam.